Insulating Oil

Insulating Oil

RTRC Limited offers insulating oil testing services to assess the performance, safety, and longevity of transformer oils. These services are crucial for ensuring the efficient operation and maintenance of electrical transformers.

Insulating oil testing is indeed a key diagnostic indicator in transformer health management. It plays a critical role in monitoring and maintaining the reliability, safety, and efficiency of transformers. Insulating oil (also known as transformer oil) serves multiple purposes, including insulation, cooling, and protection of transformer components against oxidation and contamination

Types of oil Tested

New Insulating oil

Mineral-based oil (naphthenic or paraffinic) refined, or freshly manufactured oil designed specifically for insulating and cooling electrical equipment such as transformers and switchgear..

Used Insulating Oil

Insulating oil that has been in service in electrical equipment and is subject to aging, oxidation, and contamination. It may contain impurities like moisture, dissolved gases, and oxidation byproducts (acids, sludge, etc.) that reduce dielectric strength and insulating properties of insulating oil due to chemical and physical degradation.

Ester Oil

Synthetic or natural oil made from esters, which are derived from organic compounds. Ester oils are eco-friendly alternatives to mineral-based oils. Ester oil is a viable natural alternative providing environmental, fire, safety & performance and life extension benefits over and above traditional mineral oils.

Both mineral oil and ester liquids are widely used as transformer insulating fluids, their chemical compositions and properties differ significantly, which necessitates distinct testing procedures. The key differences between the oils are:

FeatureNew Insulating OilUsed Insulating OilEster Oil
StateFresh & UncontaminatedAged and potentially degradedNew and eco-friendly
SourcePreviously used mineral basedSynthetic or natural estersMineral-based
Dielectric StrengthHighLower than new oilComparable to new oil
Moisture ToleranceLowLowHigh
Environmental ImpactModerateModerate to highLow
Fire SafetyModerateModerateHigh

Testing Facilities

Both mineral oil and ester liquids are widely used as transformer insulating fluids, their chemical compositions and properties differ significantly, which necessitates distinct testing procedures. Testing facilities as per national and international standards protocols are:

Complete Testing Facilities For Insulating Oil

Specification Products
IS 335: 2018Specification for New Insulating oil
IS 1866: 2017Mineral insulating oils in electrical equipment supervision and maintenance guidance (Fourth Revision)
IS 16659:2017Unused natural ester for transformers and similar electrical equipment
IS 16081:2013Unused synthetic organic ester for electrical Purpose
IS 16899:2023Guide for acceptance and maintenance of natural ester fluids in transformers
IS 16099:2013Guide for maintenance of transformer ester in equipment
IEC 60422: 2013Mineral insulating oils in electrical equipment supervision and maintenance guidance (Fourth Revision)
IEC 62770:2013Unused natural ester for transformers and similar electrical equipment
IEC 61099:2010Unused synthetic organic ester for electrical Purpose
IEC 62975:2021Guide for acceptance and maintenance of natural ester fluids in transformers
IEC 61203:1992Guide for maintenance of transformer ester in equipment

Other Services

We are an internationally recognized testing laboratory, providing high-quality testing services to clients in over 20 countries.

Ensuring products meet standards for the Australasian markets. This extensive range of standards ensures RTRC Limited supports industries globally by verifying the quality, safety, and compliance of products to meet
Offering testing solutions for American markets, including safety and material standards.
This extensive range of standards ensures RTRC Limited supports industries globally by verifying the quality, safety, and compliance of products to meet specific regional and international demands.
RTRC Limited in collaboration with NPCIL (Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited) has designed and developed LOCA (Loss of coolant accident) test facility in India for testing of the products
Salt spray testing, also known as salt fog testing or corrosion testing, is a widely recognized method to evaluate the corrosion resistance of materials and surface coatings.
RTRC Limited offers insulating oil testing services to assess the performance, safety, and longevity of transformer oils.