Waste Water Testing

Waste Water Testing

Wastewater testing is the process of testing the wastewater released from the industries or the households for the presence of harmful toxic contaminants and disease-causing pathogens.

The residual water released from industries is called effluent water and the one released by households is called sewage water, and both these together form the wastewater.

RTRC Limited has a unique facility of wastewater testing for effluents from production units, effluent treatment plants (ETP & C-ETP) to comply with the norms as per regulatory bodies Central Pollution Control Board, State Pollution Control Board and MOEFCC.

Complete Testing Facilities For Waste Water

Selenium (Se)IS 3025 (Part 56) : 2003: RA 2019 by AAS Method
Arsenic (As) IS 3025 (Part 37):2022 by AAS Method
Cadmium IS 3025 (Part 41): RA 2019 by AAS Method
Chromium (Cr)IS 3025 (Part 52) : 2003 RA : 2019 by AAS Method
Copper(Cu)IS 3025 (Part 42) : 1992 RA : 2019 by AAS Method
Fluoride (F-)APHA 23rd Edition:2017 Method 4500-F-D (SPANDS Method)
Iron (Fe)IS 3025 (Part 53) : 2003 (Phenanthroline Method) RA : 2019
Lead (Pb)IS 3025 (Part 47) : 1994 RA 2019 by AAS Method
ZincIS 3025 (Part 49) : 1994 RA : 2019 by AAS Method
Manganese (Mn)APHA 23rd Edition:2017 Air Acetylene Flame Method 3111 C
Mercury (Hg)IS 3025 (Part 48) : 1994 RA : 2019 by AAS Method
Nickel IS 3025 (Part 54) : 2003RA : 2019 by AAS Method
Silver (Ag)APHA 23rd Edition:2017 Air Acetylene Flame Method 3111 C
Dissolved Oxygen (DO)IS 3025 (Part 38):1989 : RA 2019
Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), 3 days at 27°CIS 3025 (Part 44):1993: RA 2019
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)IS 3025 (Part 58):2006: RA 2017
Chloride (Cl-)IS 3025 (Part 32) (Argentometric Method):1988 : RA 2019
Ammonia (NH3)IS 3025 (Part 34)1988: RA : 2019
Nitrite (NO2)APHA 23rd Edition:2017 Method 4500-NO2-B Colorimetric Method
Nitrate (NO3)IS 3025 (Part 34/Sec 1) : 1988 RA : 2019
Phosphate (PO4)IS 3025 (Part 31) : 1988 RA : 2021
Oil & Grease IS 3025 (Part 39)Liquid Liquid partition Gravimetric Method:2021
pH Value at 25°CIS 3025 (Part 11) Electrometric Method:2022
Specific conductance at 25°C IS 3025 (Part 14)2013: RA : 2019
Phenolic Compounds (as C6H5OH) IS 3025 (Part 43/Sec 1)1992: RA : 2019
Residual Chlorine IS 3025 (Part 26): 2021
Sulphate IS 3025 (Part 24/Sec 1)1986: RA : 2019
Sulphide (H2S) IS 3025 (Part 29)1986: RA : 2019
Total Hardness Total Hardness IS 3025 (Part 21)2009: RA : 2019
Total Alkalinity as Calcium CarbonateIS 3025 (Part 23)1986: RA : 2019
Total Dissolved SolidsIS 3025 (Part 16)1984: RA : 2017
Total Solids (Total Residue)IS 3025 (Part 15)1984: RA : 2019
Total suspended solids ( Filterable Residue)IS 3025 (Part 17):2022
TurbidityIS 3025 (Part 10)1984

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During the past many years, RTRC Limited has been a support to the stakeholders like Regulatory Agencies, Refineries, Chemical suppliers, Industry Units, Certifying Agencies, Research Institutions & Universities by performing
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